Sunday, August 4, 2013

Finnish Housing Fair 2013

Sunday was such a beautiful day. The housing fair has been going on for a few weeks now and it was time for us to take a look also. This upcoming week is the last week of the fair so now's your last chance to stop by! I love looking at interior design magazines and checking out different kinds of decors. I'm not planning anything big for my own place but you can always find some new ideas. Here are the best bits.

Classic-American, house number 2

House number 3

A roomy sauna, house number 6

Terrace feel in the house, house number 8

White always works, house number 17

Waterfall in the living room, house number 16

My kinda decor...

And a pool is a must ;)

My favourite (and unfortunately the most expensive in the bunch), house number 21

If you don't have an ocean nearby just look at a picture of one, house number 23

The most unique and burning sauna I've ever seen, (made for a rockstar), house number 28

Black and white working together. Btw that's a tv, not a mirror, house number 30

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