Wednesday, February 13, 2013

It's a Beautiful Day

Today the weather was nice for a change. Last night was really cold when we walked home from Jonathan's Pub, you could've needed a hat even. Today the sun was shining and it really was nice. The day turned out to be really good since I finally got my French number after waiting for a month!

Since it's Wednesday I didn't have any other classes except French. We got back our first written test, I was rather happy with the result even if after checking it out I noticed so many simple mistakes I could've avoided. Should've kept up with French over the years.

I also finally booked my flight to Helsinki. Will be going home together with my friends who will come visit me next week, it'll be more fun to travel together. I'm also gonna go to Geneva Thursday next week. My little sister is going to be there for a few days with our cousin and her mother and since it's just an hour away it'll be fun to explore the city together. Can't wait!

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