Thursday, February 21, 2013

Salutations de Genève

Bonsoir et salutations de Genève, la Suisse! Today was an early wake-up so I wouldn't miss my flight. I really had been looking forward to this day. I was gonna meet my sister and our cousin in Geneva for a day on the town. I have never been in Geneva so it sounded like fun. Once the girls arrived a bit later after me we took the train to the center, it only took 5 minutes that's why this is a good city. When we got out it felt like colder than Finland, and I've been living in a warm climate for almost two months now so it was a shock for me and even for my sister even if they'd been in Finland all this time.

It is good Geneva is in the French part of Switzerland so I got to practice my French. Getting a map and asking for direction didn't cause any trouble at all. :) We walked around towards the shopping area. Occasionally we stepped in into certain store to check things out, only to discover that the prices went through the roof. I got to notice this already at the airport. I paid 11,5 euros for a bagel and a bottle of Evian (0,5 litres). Seriously!

We were goofing around and going to stores, the city itself doesn't have much to offer but I'm glad I went there. We went to check out this cute toy store where I also found a little gift for my new and only god daughter Gretchen. I hadn't been in a toy store for a while and they just had so many sweet things. Before taking the train back we also stopped by at Starbucks.

Sisters :)

The shopping street

The Louis Vuitton building

My gift to Gretchen! Isn't it cute? ;)

Tall caramel frappuccino

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