Saturday, May 4, 2013

Farewell dinner

Friday, Friday, Friday and I'm done with school on my exchange (besides the exams of course)! Students in the other program were lucky to have them this week so they can just enjoy the rest of the time, or like most of them, leave and start their summer jobs. Anyways in honour of classes ending I went to the city to take care of some things and for a spontaneous shopping round, which turned out to be successful cause I found a dress both for the Cannes film festival (which all the sales assistants adored on me, hehe...) and a dress for the dinner we were having together the same night as a farewell dinner and a final get together with everyone before people start leaving. Me and Jessie headed to the beach for some time before the dinner, it was still warm later in the evening. That's one thing I just love here, long hot days and long warm nights.

Dress: Mango
Blazer: Ralph Lauren
Bag: Gucci
Shoes: Hilfiger
Necklace: Gucci

From the beach we headed to my place to get changed and ready. We were waiting for Kristin who later decided to not come with us anyway so we just walked to Old Town to the Flower Market (Cours Saleya) to the Campo di Fiori restaurant where we had a huge table reserved for about 30 people. Cours Saleya is packed with restaurants and you can sit outside and eat which is nice. As you can imagine, it took a while to take orders from 30 people. Once that was done the wait for the food started and the conversation flowing. The topics were everything from exams to food, from traveling to "escorts" in Nice. I tried the goat cheese pizza and it was delicious. Only those portions are not made for women (or then it was just me). Some of the guys had dessert also but I couldn't manage to fit any more food in me.

A toast; to Canada, exchange and us! :D <3

The tab turned out to be quite impressive, almost 700 euros or so, but hey it was a special occasion and let's face it we weren't the smallest of groups. After dinner we started heading for a house party, walking along the promenade. Ariel's high heels turned out too be too much to handle so what to do? Take the shoes off. Easier next time sweetie! ;) It was also the last we saw of Jason since he had an early flight to catch via Canada to Brazil for school. Have fun Jase, we'll all miss you and hope to see you soon! :) I was more ready to go to High Club and dance but we stopped by here first. Maybe some people had fun sure but I found it overly packed with people and smoke everywhere so it wasn't the best of experiences if you wanna put it nicely and the party was cut short too and then we escaped to the beach to regroup.

Oh Ariel! Lower heels next time? ;)

Bye Jason!

After a while's consideration we decided it was gonna be High Club, since it was just up the stairs from the beach. A part of the group disappeared somewhere so it was me, Fanny, Clara, Ginella, Mitch, Priya, Gordie, Milan and Tobias. We stayed until the very end though at some point Gordie just disappeared. I was wearing my new shoes from Spain and thought they were more comfortable than good old stiletto heels but after a night of dancing I can prove otherwise. The music was good and pretty much the same as always but everyone was having fun and the evening was spiced up with some vodka shots, courtesy of Milan. ;)

Mitch got a wild idea watching the sunrise after the club so we all headed to the beach and ran into Lukas, Robin and Stijn. We all sat on the pebbled beach sipping beer compliments to Tim. It is amazing how fast it actually started getting light. Tim actually went for a quick morning swim too, wonder how the water was that early with no sunshine. After a long day it was time to get home. My feet were just so dead and so were Clara's so Lukas rescued us away from the beach to solid steady ground. We actually saw some people running, there's some sort of a competition going on I guess since there were people at daytime and some were running during our beach visits at night even.

Someone is excited! :D

Waiting and waiting...

Cheers! :D

Yeah it's up! :)

The first thing I did when I got home was getting out of my shoes, I can still feel the night in them. Once I got to bed I had stayed up for 24h straight and it was time to get some well-earned sleep.

I can't believe my exchange is almost ending, it feels like it just started. I love all you guys so much and we definitely gotta meet after this too. If any of you come to Finland let me know! ;) <3

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