Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Graduation weekend

Right after I arrived to Finland at the end of last month it was time for the high school and other graduation parties. Some years we've had many parties to attend and even in different cities, but this year we dedicated Saturday to my cousin Kristian's graduation. We followed the graduates march from the city to the cemetery where there was some singing (the march is a tradition in the schools in my hometown, never done it myself since I attended high school in Helsinki).

I bought my dress for the party early in Nice and the weather for the outfit was perfect. Clear sky and sunshine, unlike on my graduation day seven years ago when it was raining. Here are some pics.

Dress: Mango
Scarf: LV
Shoes: YSL
Bag: YSL
Sunglasses: Chanel
Bracelet: Thomas Sabo
Watch: Omega

Seven cousins

On Sunday we also attended another graduation party. Here are a few more pics.

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