Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Time to say goodbye

Almost a week ago, last Thursday it was time to say goodbye to my new home Nice, France. My first thoughts that morning were, I have to leave and I don't wanna go. I had some last minute details to take care of before going so I headed to the post office so I could close my French phone.

Else and Moona were in Nice on holiday for nine days so they came to my place so we'd go to the airport together, since it would've been impossible for me to get there on my own.

Fortunately it didn't take much time to get rid of our luggage, though the lady at the desk was quite strict and cranky and charged me for 2 extra kilos. She wouldn't let me have my boarding pass even until I had paid. Well, next up was security check, which went quite swell. With all the stuff I had I was so sure I had forgotten about something, having a purse, a small suitcase both overly packed. But everything went great except for Moona whose coke can was confiscated, too bad.

The girls did some last minute shopping and I made a last call home from my French phone. While we moved to the gate I became even more emotional and when the plane was taking off I cried a little.

Bye bye Nice! I love you and it was nice to have you as a home for five months and don't worry, I will return sooner than you think! ;)

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